Parameters for a negotiation mandate: The course is set for the further development of bilateral relations
economiesuisse welcomes the fact that the Federal Council intends to prepare for the adoption of a negotiating mandate by the end of the year. It is now important that the outstanding points are clarified quickly. For business, regulated relations and legal certainty in the relationship with the EU are of essential importance.
The Federal Council has adopted the key parameters for a negotiating mandate with the EU (see press release). These form the basis for continuing the exploratory talks with the EU. In doing so, the Swiss government has chosen a broad package approach: A whole package of internal market and cooperation agreements is to be negotiated. By adopting the key parameters for deepening the talks with the EU on a new negotiating package, the Federal Council has taken an important step towards the subsequent launch of negotiations (see for the key parameters the info sheet).
economiesuisse welcomes the Swiss government's package approach (see info sheet package approach). It also allows solutions to be found for dossiers that are currently blocked, such as the participation of Switzerland in the EU's Horizon Europe research programme and the Erasmus programme. economiesuisse is pleased to note that solutions are on the horizon for various dossiers that are important for Switzerland, namely conerning the application of EU state aid rules, the EU Citizenship Directive and the accompanying measures to to guarantee wage protection in Switzerland. It is also important for Swiss business that the outstanding points, particularly in the agreements in the areas of electricity and health, are clarified as quickly as possible.
The Federal Council is now called upon to conclude the exploratory talks with the EU this year and to adopt a corresponding negotiating mandate by the end of the year. On the basis of the detailed exploratory talks, it should be expected that the subsequent negotiations can proceed quickly.
One thing is clear: time is pressing. Without a regulated relationship with Switzerland's most important trading partner and without legal certainty, there is a threat of further erosion of the bilateral path to the detriment of Swiss companies and with serious consequences for Switzerland as a business location