Guiding Principles
economiesuisse is the federation of Swiss business. Our commitment to maintaining Switzerland as a strong business location is based on liberal free market principles.
We build bridges between business, politics and society and take responsibility for our contribution to the common good and the economy's benefits to society. Our broad member base consists of small, medium-sized, and large companies with regional, national or international business activities and is evidence of our deep roots in all sectors and regions of the country.
economiesuisse represents and promotes the interests of its members among political decision makers, government agencies, and the public in all areas of economic policy. We advocate for an optimal framework for the business location Switzerland, protect the established economic key factors of success, and promote the worldwide competitiveness of the Swiss economy and its businesses. With constructive proposals for solutions we introduce the shared concerns of our members to the political decision making process and participate in votes on issues of economic policy. We are committed to the principles of a free, market-based economic order and are mindful of our social and environmental responsibility. We participate actively in international organizations where we represent the interests of the Swiss economy and gather information about international developments in economic policy. We work closely with our members and keep them abreast of the latest developments in our various areas of business. We network with other associations and organizations that share our goals.
In our view the economy is an integral part of society and we are aware of our responsibility to the citizens of our country. We encourage the active participation of our members in civil society and politics at the cantonal and municipal level. We strive for mixed teams (by gender language, region, age, and abilities) because we are convinced that they are more effective. We promote the compatibility of family and work.
We argue and decide rationally and fact-based, and we act with technical competency and transparency. We communicate respectfully and with estimation—including with people who do not share our views. We are guided by the common good of Switzerland and we respect democratic decisions.
We conduct an open, constructive and solution-oriented dialog with all of our members, with the federal administration, the members of the federal parliament, with the governments of the confederation and the cantons, and with the public. We engage in regular exchanges of views with all parties and economically relevant groups and with society at large.